7 Powerful Lessons from 365 Handwritten Letters

On Monday 23rd June 2014 I sat down to write the first letter of a 365 day letter writing project called Project Happy Letter.  On Monday 22 June 2015 I posted happy letter 365 and completed an amazing year of letter writing.

At the time I had no idea of the impact that handwritten letters could have on my own happiness or the happiness of others.

Here are 7 powerful lessons I‘ve learnt along the way:

When your thoughts, beliefs and actions align, magic happens

When Project Happy Letter popped into my mind, I truly believed it had the potential to spread joy. It aligned with what I wanted to create in this world (happiness, compassion and courage). On the day I wrote my first letter I wondered if I could really write one every day for a whole year. But soon learnt magic happens when thoughts, beliefs and actions align.

What you put out into the world comes back to you

In theory, I believed in the concept of cause and effect. If I cause another person to be happy, then happiness will come back to me. However, I hadn’t been consciously aware of this happening until I started sending letters out into the world. At every stage and around ever corner I’ve received joyful surprises I didn’t see coming. I now fully embrace the law of cause and effect.

handwritten letters

Perfectionism can stifle creativity

I laugh when I look back at the first few months of letter writing. I wanted each letter to be perfect. I would spend ages first typing out the letter on my computer and then writing it out on pretty note paper.

One day I received a beautiful hand written reply to one of my letters. It was scrawled on bright coloured paper, each line sloped a different way and there were fun stickers all over the envelope. From that moment on I ditched the computer and said goodbye to my ‘perfectionism’. The result was letters written direct from the heart and with spontaneity.

Letter writing rocks

Sitting in front of a blank computer screen can feel like work and instantly stifle your creativity. Letter writing opens you up to creative thought and is personal. The fact you’ve taken time to pick up a pen, find some paper, source an envelope, and buy a stamp is evidence in itself that you care.

Write a letter today and find out how it rocks!

Handwritten Letters

Enjoy the journey and let go of the outcome

When I started this project I wondered how the recipient would feel. Would they find it silly, think I had a motive, would they even like my letter and send a response?

I realised quickly I had to abandon these worries. I had to let go of the outcome and trust in the journey. I had no control over what the recipient might feel, but I did have control over what I felt. Every time I popped a letter in the mailbox I did so with no expectations of the outcome; just a knowing that my intention was to spread joy. By doing this I was able to embrace and enjoy the journey.

One step at a time is all you need

I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to give up during the year of letter writing. The goal I set myself, at times, seemed unachievable. I remember at the beginning compiling a list of people I could write to and only coming up with 80 names! How on earth was I going to write 365?

I decided not to put up roadblocks but instead focus on one letter at a time. If the project was meant to be, then names and addresses would present themselves to me. This is exactly what happened.

A small act can have powerful consequences

I never thought that a small act of putting pen to paper, along with a sincere heart, could have such powerful consequences. Here are some replies that reveal the power of a happy letter:

Honestly one of the best gifts I have ever received, my happiness bank is overflowing – Jess

Just came home from work to a letter from my Aunty Claire. This really made my night – Jase

Your letter came just at the right time, how did you know I needed this – Marie

Thank you so much for your beautiful, wonderful heart melting HAND WRITTEN letter. I feel so blessed, honoured and downright chuffed to be the recipient of such a gift. That was even more special to me than you can imagine – Yani

Never underestimated the power of one small act of kindness.

Handwritten Letters

After non-stop letter writing for a whole year I have decided to take a breather and have a rest from writing for one month. So I will be back on Tuesday 28 July with my next blog. I will however continue posting happiness deposits on the Happy Art FaceBook page so come and visit me there if you would like to keep the happiness inspiration flowing.

Be happy, colour the world.



2 thoughts on “7 Powerful Lessons from 365 Handwritten Letters”

  1. Clare Norman (was Benton)

    My mum received one of your Happy Letters and was really thrilled. I now live in France but have regular long phone chats with my mum, who read your letter out to me. Last week, I was unpacking some stuff which we brought over from the UK and ended up in our loft. Among them were 3 plates that my mum bought from your mum when you left for Australia in about 1968 and had a house sale. I’ve taken a photo to send you, in case your mum might recognise them! So send me an email and I’ll send you the photo.

    1. Hi Clare, so wonderful to hear from you and thanks for getting in touch. How amazing that you still have the plates! Mum would be thrilled to see the photo. I will send you an email.

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