What a crappy year!

What a crappy year

As the final days of 2105 draw to a close I hear many people saying “Oh my gosh I can’t wait for this year to be over, what a crappy year it has been!”

I have witnessed quite a few of my friends and work colleagues experience many challenges in 2015 and these challenges have come in unrelenting waves. And whist I acknowledge how difficult the year has been for them, I still feel there is room to look back at 2015 and find the moments, in between the sets of unrelenting waves, that have brought some happiness.

We have the choice to focus on all the crappy things that have happened, or we have the choice to focus on some of the awesome things that have happened.

I choose the latter.

Take the focus away from your crappy year

Every year in the days between Christmas and the New Year I get out my trusty journal and I write down the answers to these questions:

What was my favourite movie?

What was my favourite book?

What was my favourite TV show?

What was my favourite song?

What did I achieve?

Who did I help?

what a crappy year

By doing this I find it puts everything into perspective and it keeps me focused on some of the things that make me happy and also on some of the things that truly matter in life.

Your questions may be slightly different to mine depending on the things you like doing. For example you may not be a movie buff but prefer seeing live bands or you may not like reading books but prefer to get outside and try different activities. What ever it is the aim is to stop and reflect on some of the things that brought you joy in 2015. Give thanks for the happiness that these things brought you, instead of giving up any more energy to the challenges you faced.

May you have a wonderful and happy Christmas filled with all the things you love doing. Thank you for being a part of the Happy Art community and I look forward to sharing more happiness with you in 2016.

Be happy, colour the world.


PS I will be back in your inbox on Tue 12 January 2016 however if you would like some happiness inspiration over the holidays you can follow me on FaceBook or Instagram where I post regular snippets.

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